Jun 1, 2011

The Blues

Stripe tunic- Revolve, Denim button down- Old Navy, Cream slip - American Apparel, Blue earrings, Purple necklace- Marg's jewelry box, Octopus necklace, green cuff- Ahab Bowen, diamond cuff, bangles, shark tooth ring, fish ring- FP, watch- vintage Fossil, feather ring- Metropark.
So I have some updates from last night that I have to share with you lovely readers. What did I do tonight? Saw the Hangover 2 ... with a boy. No name will be mentioned, for he may need to do a huge hoopla of things to allow his name to be present on this hugely famous blog. Anyway, skip my sarcasm people, probably not even funny anyway. But, I had *shock* fun. He was a pure gentleman; I mean he opened doors for me (note the plural doors). So kind, I was taken aback. All right, you knew it was coming – movie word vomit. I had been looking forward to seeing this huge motion picture for so long, well, I guess not really that long.(since I only saw the first one not too long ago). I adored it - not very realistic, but who doesn't like seeing three simply hilarious, without realizing it (which adds to the humor), men confused as hell after being roofied...by their own bud. It brought tears to my eyes at points due to my hyena-like laughter at Phil, Stu, and my personal favorite, Alan.
Okay, let's move on to last night, shall we? Hangover II. So here I was, with boy by my side, watching the not-as-funny as the first film, but still equally outrageous (in an extremely entertaining way). I mean, how the hell can anyone manage to get into that much trouble in one city? All I’ve gotta say is I am never hitting up Bangkok. Well, I suppose when I challenge Vegas for my 21st, I may understand the non-memory a tad more, but I will go ahead and assume my pictures will not be as gruesome as the "wolf pack’s". Guess I just need to wait a few more months for my birthday. Gaaa. Such a youngin, but feel so old. Weird? Yes.
Sorry this is such a weird, extremely random, non-fashion post (hey- at least there’s pics!). I am exhausted (no days off until Saturday...going on 11 days at the Ritz) so please excuse the possibly horrible writing I have just shared with you all. My apologies if it is atrocious. My dad has informed me, though, if I were to wake at 7 and go for a jog, drink some coffee, read the paper, life would magically be grand and the fatigue will just POOF! Go away. Yeah, thanks, dad for the advice, but I think I’ll stick to my routine I’ve got going.
Enjoy my "blues" outfit, even though I am feeling pretty good – no jazz song needed to get me past today - you know like the one Elisabeth Shue sang in Adventures in Babysitting (back from the 80s, but a def must watch asap, if you’re in dire need of a pick me up picture). Okay, bad reference. Let’s pretend that didn’t happen. Well, last night was a good one. Hope yours was brilliant as well and have a wonderful Wednesday! I am off to watch some DVR’d Jimmy Kimmel and then … work.


  1. I love those shoes!! And that shirt over the stripe dress looks great!



  2. Great outfit. second sparksandfireworks^

  3. love the bleached denim jacket so cute I'm almost tempted "accidentally" spill bleach all over my denim button up:)
